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2014-ICDE论文集 ICDE RESEARCH SESSIONS Research Papers Session 1 Clustering? Incremental Cluster Evolution Tracking from Highly Dynamic Network Data(s hxy) Pei Lee* (UBC) Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (UBC) Evangelos Milios (Dalhousie University) 摘要: Dynamic networks are commonly found in the current web age. In scenarios like social networks and social media,dynamic networks are noisy, are of large-scale and evolve quickly.In this paper, we focus on the cluster evolution tracking problemon highly dynamic networks, with clear application to eventevolution tracking. There are several previous works on datastream clustering using a node-by-node approach for maintainingclusters. However, handling of bulk updates, i.e., a subgraphat a time, is critical for achieving acceptable performance oververy large highly dynamic networks. We propose a subgraph-by subgraph incremental tracking framework for cluster evolutionin this paper. To effectively illustrate the techniques in ourframework, we take the event evolution tracking task in socialstreams as an application, where a social stream and an eventare modeled as a dynamic post network and a dynamic clusterrespectively. By monitoring through a fading time window, weintroduce a skeletal graph to summarize the information in thedynamic network, and formalize cluster evolution patterns usinga group of primitive evolution operations and their algebra. Twoincremental computation algorithms are developed to maintainclusters and track evolution patterns as time rolls on and thenetwork evolves. Our detailed experimental evaluation on largeTwitter datasets demonstrates that our framework can effectivelytrack the complete set of cluster evolution patterns in the wholelife cycle from highly dynamic networks on the fly. 大意:动态网络(如社交网络)在网络时代非常常见。本文主要解决的是在动态网络上cluster演化的跟踪问题(事件的演化跟踪)。在本文之前的跟踪方法(节点的更新)涉及到很多的更新操作。本文提出了一个基于子图的增量追踪框架。通过对社交流(skeletal graph)和事件的单独建模来解决此问题。 Finding Common Ground among Experts’ Opinions on Data Clustering: with Applications i


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