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2011山东大学文学与新闻传播学院(作家班)  PAGE 18 二十一世纪全媒体时代文学现象及思考 学 生:董衿希 指导教授:丛新强 摘 要:全媒体时代中,网络文学挑战着传统文学以及传统文学评论的价值体系,网络,意味着当下即时性消费;文学,指向永恒的古老艺术。在现代社会里,更新频率极快,信息传播迅速的网媒与严肃传统的文学艺术不断进行结合,从而快速发展成为集技术创新和文化创新于一体的网络文学形式。从而诞生出各种文体及新思潮。随着网络的产生和发展,人们的语言行为发生了一定的变化,网络与文学的结合带来的网络文学,成为文学中的一个组成部分。本文着重探讨网络文学与传统文学的区别、网络文学的现状、以及对21世纪网络文学的展望,让人们从中得到一些启发,以引起对网络文学的关注。 关键词:网络 网络文学 传统文学 现状 展望 Twenty-oneCenturyMediaTimesLiteraryPhenomenon and Think Student: Dong jinxi Professor: Cong Xingqiang Abstract: The age of the media, network literature challenges the traditional literature and traditional literature value system, network, means the immediate consumption; literature, pointing to the ancient art of eternity. In modern society, the update frequency splitting, the rapid dissemination of information media and seriousness of traditional literature and art constantly are combined, thereby rapidly developed into a set of technical innovation and cultural innovation in the integration of network literature form. Thus the birth of a variety of styles and new ideas. Along with the network s production and development, peoples language behavior change, network literature and network literature combine to bring, become a part of literature. This paper focuses on network literature and traditional literature, network literature, the current situation of difference between network literature and on twenty-first Century the prospect, let people get some inspiration, to attract the attention of network literature. Key words: Network literature traditional literature review 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295163 前 言 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295164 一、什么是网络文学 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295170 二、网络文学的发展史概略 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295171 (一)网络文学的早期历史——理想时代 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295172 (二)网络文学的发展——商战 6  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295173 (三)白银时代——2001至2003 6  HYPERLINK \l _Toc133295174 (四)青铜时代——2003至2004 7  HYPERLINK \


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