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PAGE  PAGE 6 锁定加压钢板与克氏针治疗大龄儿童股骨远端粉碎骨折的疗效比较 左玉明 闫荣亮 摘 要: [目的]探讨锁定加压钢板与克氏针治疗大龄儿童股骨远端粉碎骨折的疗效。[方法]2010 年1 月 ~2015 年1 月手术治疗儿童股骨远端粉碎骨折41例,其中锁定加压钢板固定21例,克氏针固定20例, 男23例,女18例;年龄11 ~ 15. 7 岁,平均13. 5 岁;左侧 21 例、右侧28 例;致伤原因为车祸 31 例,摔伤18例。采用按照 HSS 膝关节功能评分标准评定疗效,随访锁定加压钢板组与克氏针组的骨折再移位率及优良率,并进行统计学比较。[结果] 所有患儿均获随访,随访时间12~40个月,平均36 个月。锁定加压钢板组骨折再移位率低于克氏针组,差异有统计学意义( P0. 05),锁定加压钢板组HSS 膝关节功能评分高于克氏针组,差异有统计学意义( P0. 05)。[结论] 对于大龄儿童股骨远端粉碎骨折应用锁定加压钢板具有复位良好,固定牢靠,骨折再移位率低,有利于关节早期功能练习,膝关节功能良好等优点,是一种有效的内固定方法。 关键字 锁定加压钢板 股骨远端骨折 儿童 Operation-effect analysis of Internal fixation with locking compression plate in the treatment of distal femoral fracture of older children.∥YAN rong-liang, ZUO Yu-ming, WANG Yue-guang, et al. Department of Pediatric Orthopaedics,the Second Hospital of Tangshan,Heibei 063000,China Abstract :[Objective]To investigate the effectiveness of distal femoral fracture of older children with locking compression plate(LCP).[Method]21 cases of distal femoral fractures were treated with LCP and 20 cases with  HYPERLINK /w/kirschner%20wire/ \l keyfrom=E2Ctranslation kirschner wire between January 2010 and January 2015. There were 23 boys and 18 girls with an average age of 13.5 years ( range, 11 -15.7 years), left 21 cases and right 28 cases. The cause of the fracture was accident (31 cases) and unwary fall (18 cases). HSS scoring system was used to determine the good and excellent outcome rate.The?excellent?and?good rate and?displacement rate were compared between two groups.[Result]All cases were followed up for an average of 36 months( range, 12 -40 months).The HSS score of hip knee joint was higher in the LCP group( P <0.05), but the displacement rate were higher in  HYPERLINK /w/kirschner%20wire/ \l keyfrom=E2Ctranslation kirschner wire group.[Conclusion]LCP is an effective method to treat distal femoral fractures in older children with good reduction, stable?fixation and earlier?rehabilitation. Key words: distal femoral fracture locking compression plate


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