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PTVSHC2EN12VU Transient Voltage Suppressor Description The PTVSHC2EN12VU ESD protector is designed to replace multilayer varistors (MLVs) in portable applications such as cell phones, notebook computers, and PDA’s. They feature large cross-sectional area junctions for conducting high transient currents, offer desirable electrical characteristics for board level protection, such as fast response time, lower operating voltage, lower clamping voltage and no device degradation when compared to MLVs. The PTVSHC2EN12VU protects sensitive semiconductor components from damage or upset due to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and other voltage induced transient events. The PTVSHC2EN12VU is available in a DFN1610-2L package with working voltages of 12 volt. It is used to meet the ESD immunity requirements of IEC 61000-4-2, (±30kV air, ±30kV contact discharge) Feature Applications ? ? 1600W Peak pulse power per line (tP = 8/20μs) Cell phone handsets and accessories ? DFN1610-2L package ? Personal digital assistants (PDA’s) ? Response time is typically 1 ns ? Notebooks, desktops, and servers ? Protect one I/O or power line ? Portable instrumentation ? Low clamping Voltage ? Cordless phones ? RoHS compliant ? Digital cameras ? Transient protection for data lines to IEC 61000-4-2(ESD) ? Peripherals ? ±30


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