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中国实用妇科与产科杂志 2011年 6 月 第 27 卷 第 6期 411
其临 床意 义 的 探 讨 ( I ) [ J]. 中国 妇 幼 保 健, 2008, 23 in orthoptic seen, though the fina l d iagnos is, but is
( 28 ): 3964-3967 lagg ing beh ind the diagnosis, it only as to preopera-
[ 24 ] Macon es GA, H ank ins GDV, Spong CY, et a.l The 2008 Na- tive assessm ent insuffic ient added. Cesa rean section
tional In stitu te ofCh ild H ealth and Hum an Developm en tW ork- is the m a in treatm ent o f p lacenta prev ia, and inc ision
shop Report on E lectron ic FetalM on itoring-Update on Defin-i
choos ing a long the edg e of placenta com pares w ith
tions, Interpretation, and R esearchGu id elines[ J]. Obstet Gy-
inc is ion m ust be ho le cross the placen ta, wh ich
neco,l 2008, 112: 661-666
w ill reduce the rate o f m othe r s blood loss and neo-
[ 25 ] Am erican C ollege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG
natal anem ia significantly. Surg ica l treatm ent o f pa-
Practice Bu lletin No. 106: In trapartum fetal heartm on itoring:
tien ts w ith different placen ta prev ia shou ld be se lec-t
nom en clatu re, interpretation, and gen ernalm anagem en t prin c-i
p les [ J]. ObstetGyneco,l 2009, 114: 192-202 ed, accord ing to preoperative ultrasound placenta po-
[ 26 ] L iston R, Saw chuck D, Young DF, et a.l H ealth surveillance: sition ing and intraoperative assessm ent to set indiv id-
an tepartum and in trap artum consensus gu ideline[ J]. J Obstet ualized opera tion program. If you choo se the inc ision