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PAGE  PAGE 3 六年级上册各单元作文范文 Unit 1 Amy ’S Hobby Amy likes English very much. She reads English every day. She watches TV on Saturday evening. ?she likes drawing and singing. Her parents love her. She says her hobbies make her happy(她说爱好让她快乐). Unit 2 Tom 放学后要去医院看生病的妈妈,但不知怎么走,于是她去问警察叔叔,请你展开想象,编写一段对话. 要求:条理清楚,不少于8句话,写明所走路线及经过的地方. Tom:Excuses me,Where is the Hospotal? Policeman: It’s next to the post office. Tom:Is it far from here? P: No,it’s not far. T:Can I go on foot? P:Sure if you like.walk straight for five minutes. T: Thank you. P:You’re welcome. Unit 3 请你根据表格的信息,写写下列人物的职业、上班或上学的交通工具和爱好。 peoplemy fathermy motherIjob (工作)doctorteacherstudentwayby carby bus on foothobbyby buswatch TVride a bike或作文题目为:请你用英语向大家介绍你和你家人的工作、你们平时都是怎么去上班或上学的,你们的爱好是什么?每个成员用两三句说说就可以了,试试吧? My father is a doctor,he goes to work by car,he liks reading nwespaper. My mother is a teacher.she goes to work by bus ,She likes watching TV. I am a student,I go to school on foot,I like riding a bike. Unit 3 假设这个周末你想去书店买书,请你以”My weekend”为题,用几句话写写你将要去的地点、时间,要买什么书,打算用什么交通工具等。 My weekend I’m going to have a busy weekend!On Saturday,I’m going to the bookstore by bus,I’m going to buy some srory-books.Then,I’m going to go home and read the new books.On Sunday,I’m going to the park with my mother.That will be fun! Unit 4 ??? 请你根据给出的信息,写写你和你家人的爱好。 my fathermy motherIread newspaperwatch TVride a bike and play the violin My father likes reading newspaper;my mother likes watching TV;I like riding a bike and playing the violin. Unit 5 请你根据实际介绍一下种花\种树的过程 Planting flowers ?????? I want to plant a flower in my garden. First, I dig the soil. Then I put seed into the soil. Next I water it. I wait for the flower to sprout. Then I wait for the flower to grow. I water it every day. It grows fast. Planting Trees It’s spring. It’s time to plant trees. I want to plant a tree in our garden. First, I dig the soil. Then I put a little tree into the soil. Next I water it. I am so excited an


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