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商务英语----日常口语800 1 We should settle the HYPERLINK /w/disputedispute through negotiations without HYPERLINK /w/resortresorting to legal proceeding. 我们应通过协商来解决争议,而不应通过法律程序来解决。 2. We prefer to resolve disputes by amicable, nonbonding HYPERLINK /w/conciliationconciliation between two parties. 我方更倾向于双方通过友好、非约束力的调解来解决争议。 3. As a matter of fact most disputes can be settled in a friendly way, with a view to developing a long-term relationship. 事实上,本着发展长期关系的意愿,大多数争议都是可以通过友好的方式来加以解决的。 4. All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. 所有与本合同有关的争执将通过友好协商解决。 5. Personally I should say its so much better to resolve the dispute through friendly negotiations between ourselves. 我个人认为,最好我们自己通过友好协商来解决争议。 6. Friendly negotiation is the best way to settle the dispute between us if there is any. 如果我们之间产生任何争议的簅,友好协商是最好的解决办法。 7. Where do you want to have HYPERLINK /w/arbitrationarbitration held? 你们想在什么地方进行仲裁? 8. As far as the place for arbitration is concerned, the customary practice is to hold arbitration in the country of defendant. 就仲裁地而言,通常的做好是在被告方的国家进行仲裁。 9. If we submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is to be in Japan and if you submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is to be in China. 如果我们要提交仲裁案的话,仲裁地应该是日本,而如果你们要提交仲裁的话,仲裁地应该是中国。 10. If the buyer is the plaintiff, the arbitration shall take place in Beijing. 若买方是申诉人,仲裁将会在北京进行。 731. The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitration that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment. 仲裁协会的会员们专业水平高,完全能对这类因医疗设备的质量检验而引起的争议进行仲裁。 11. Generally speaking, all the fee for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the court. 一般来说,所有仲裁费应由败诉方承担,险非仲裁庭另有裁决。 12. The decision made by the arbitration commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. 仲裁委员会作出的仲裁决定为终局裁决,对双方均具有约束力。 13. The losing party shall bear the cost fo


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