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E-SAY英语学习 商务实用口语——索赔理由和依据   1.We find the free acidity exceeds the contract maximum by 0.01%, so we have to ask you to indemnify us for a loss of £4,000.   我方发现游离酸的含时超过了合同规定的最高量0.01%,因此我方不得不向贵方索赔4000英镑的损失。   2. The landed goods were quite different from what expected.      卸下的货物同我们所期望的大不相同。      3. It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 30 Kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight.      商检发现货物的实际到岸重量与发票重量之间差了30kg。        4. The inspection shows that the salt density exceeds at least 5%.      商检表明盐的浓度至少超过了5个百分点。      5.This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim against you for £2,000.      这批货的质量低于合同规定的标准,我们现向贵方提出索赔,赔偿我方2000英镑。      6. The dried mushroom you sent us are far below the standard stipulated in the contract.      贵方运送来的干蘑菇远远低于合同所规定的标准。      7.The quality of you shipment for our order is not in conformity with the specifications, we must therefore lodge a claim against you for the amount of £275,000.      贵方所运输的我方订购的货物质量与规格不符,因此我方必须向你方提出索赔,赔偿我方275000英镑。      8.We find the copper wire you supplied is not to the exact specifications of your sample.      我方发现贵方提供给我方的铜钱与你方的样品规格不符。      9.Our customers complain that the goods are much inferior in quality to the samples.      我方客户抱怨说与样品相比,货物的质量要差得多。      10.The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our last order.      你方上周发运的货物质量与我方上次所订的货物质量相比,要低劣得多。      11. The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition.      尽管包装完好,但检验表明,这批小麦的数量与质量都不符合合同规定。      12.Most of the shirts are of a smaller size. I wonder if you made a mistake when sending the goods.      大部分衬衫都小一号,我怀疑你们发货时是不是搞错了。      13.There are too many defective items in this shipment.      这批货里次品太多了。      14.The leather shoes you sent us last Friday are not the right size. They sh


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