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英语(二)复习题 单项选择题。在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1、We welcome any comments and about these plans. A.suggest B.suggesting C.suggestions D.suggested 2、Right now I cannot give you a detailed of why I’m late. A.explanation B.explain C.explained D.explains 3、The minister took for the disaster and resigned. A.response B.responsible C.responsibility D.responses 4、When I’get home from work,I like to with a glass of wine. A.relaxing B.relax C.relaxs D.relaxed 5、She is such a good teacher and her lessons are really . A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoyably D.enjoyable 6、Visiting Disneyland has a boyhood dream. A.fulfill B.fulfilling C. fulfillment D. fulfilled 7、The buses run less on Sundays. A.frequently B.frequent C.frequentlly D.frequentable 8、physical health is not always easily from mental health. A.separate B.separated C.separable D.separablly 9、She’d suffered terribly over the years but it hadn’t made her . A.bitter B.bitterness C.bitternesses D.bittered 10、The fridge keeps food at a temperature. A.constantly B.constant C.frequent D. frequently 11、 you leave the house at the same time as you brother does? A.Are B.Was C.Have D.Had 12、I’ve hard this morning and I’m really hungry. A.work B.working C.be working D.been working 13、Last week we to the restaurant in the new hotel. A. have gone B. went C.are going D.had gone 14、The doctor took my temperature and to my heart. A.listens B.will listen C.has listened D.listened 15、 you write your return address on the envelope? A.Had B.Have C.Are D.Did 16、My brother on his best clothes and left for the party. A.put B.puts C.will put D.is p


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