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Chap_2 Measuring National Income
;Microeconomics;Macroeconomics;Macroeconomics;The Economy’s Income and Expenditure;The Economy’s Income and Expenditure;Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the income and expenditures of an economy.
It is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.;The Circular-Flow Diagram;The Circular-Flow Diagram;The Measurement of GDP;The Measurement of GDP;生产者 产品 产量 单价 总产出 增加值
棉农 棉花 3000 kg 3元 9000 9000
纺纱厂 棉纱 1000 kg 18元 18000 9000
织布厂 布 7000m 10元 70000 52000
服装厂 服装 3000件 100元 300000 230000;The Measurement of GDP;It measures the value of production that takes place within a specific interval of time, usually a year or a quarter (three months). ;What Is Counted in GDP?;What Is Not Counted in GDP?;Gross National Product;GNP VS. GDP;Other Measures of Income;Net Domestic Product (NDP);National Income;Personal Income;Disposable Personal Income;Summary;exercise :试根据以下信息,计算小王对国民收入主要衡量指标的贡献。;The Components of GDP;The Components of GDP;The Components of GDP;
① 消费支出 C 耐用品支出
总投资 净投资
最终产品总支出 ② 投资支出I 折旧(重置投资)
③ 政府支出 G
④ 净出口 X-M(NX);GDP and Its Components in USA (1951-2007);GDP and Its Components in China(1978-2011);GDP and Its Components (1998);;Income approach;fundamental formulaof national income;The Circular Flow Model;? Three-sector economy;The Circular Flow Model;? Four-sector economy;The Circular Flow Model;Real ve