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English for Business 商业英语教程 LESSON 1 – Meet the team 第一课-介绍业务伙伴 STUDY NOTES 学习笔记 The company 商业公司 Hale and Hearty Foods. Based in Sydney, Australia. 设在澳大利亚悉尼市的“哈尔及哈迪食品公司” Characters 课文人物 Harvey Judd: Chief Purchasing Officer 哈维·贾德 哈尔及哈迪食品公司的首席采购员 Victoria Song: Assistant International PR Manager 维多利亚·宋 哈尔及哈迪食品公司负责国际关系的助理经理 Douglas Hale: Chief Executive Officer 道格拉斯·哈尔 哈尔及哈迪食品公司的首席执行官。 The story 课文场景 Harvey is recording promotional introductions for the Hale and Hearty team. These are to accompany pictures of himself and his colleagues in an advertising display at tomorrow’s Beverage Fair. 哈尔及哈迪食品公司明天要举行一个饮料推销大会,公司职员哈维正在为公司一些主要职员 和他本人进行录影带的配音工作。 Grammar point 语法重点 A, an or the? A, an或是the If there is only one of a certain thing, we use the. We also use the when what we are talking about is understood. We would say, for example, could you pass me the scissors, if the scissors are within sight. 定冠词the表示可以确定的事物。另外当我们了解所谈论的事物时也要使用the.举例说,如果 你看到一把剪刀,请你将剪刀递给我。 We also use the for places such as post office and town hall because there is usually only one of these in a suburb. Examples: the moon, the sun, the Prime Minister, the CEO, the local library. 当我们谈论一个独一无二的事物或地方时要使用定冠词the。举例来说,一个社区里只有一个 邮局和市政厅时,我们通常在这些地方前面冠以the。此外例如:月亮、太阳、一国的总理、 一个公司的首席执行官及当地的图书馆前面都必须冠以the。 We use an, instead of a, if the following noun starts with a vowel sound. Usually this is represented by a vowel but sometimes not. 通常我们在元音字母的名词前使用an, Examples: an egg, an orange, an umbrella, an ice cream, 举例:an egg一个蛋、an orange一个橙子、an umbrella一把雨伞、an ice cream一个冰淇淋, 但是也有例外的情况。 例如 an honour一项荣誉, an honest man一位诚实的人, a union一个工会, a university一座大学。 Idioms and expressions 习惯用语和表示法 When Harvey describes how busy his colleagues are, he uses the term “flat out”. The image here is of a car’s accelerator pedal, flat to the floo


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