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第  PAGE 7 页 共  NUMPAGES 7 页 Unit 8 Adventure Period Five Communication Workshop课时精练(北师大版必修3,课标通用) 时间:45分钟 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Its the biggest adventure camp in Scotland and has 15 well-trained________(员工). 2.We will teach you ________( 生存)skills. 3.You will learn how to make a fire and build your own________(庇护所). 4.Camp Extreme is the best place to have your________(冒险). 5.Why is Marek not a “typical”________(探险家)? 6.The professor gave a talk on________(哲学)yesterday. 7.Ill help as much as I can,but there is a ________(限度) to what I can do. 8.My lack of practical experience was a d________. 9.He made a telescope through which he could o________the stars. 10.The t________of goods by air is very expensive. 答案 1.staff 2.survival 3.shelter 4.adventure 5.explorer 6.philosophy  7.limit 8.disadvantage 9.observe 10.transport Ⅱ.??成句子 1.我们最好还是去买圣诞节用品,时间不多了。 Wed better do our Christmas shopping,for time is________________. 2.是出发的时候了,但一个人也没有来。 Its time to set off,but no one has________________. 3.中国的西南地区是大熊猫的栖息地。 Southwestern China is________________the giant panda. 4.他对同事们始终敬而远之。 He remained________________the people he worked with. 5.当他正在网上查找信息时,电脑系统突然出故障了。 The computer system________________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. 6.他听到这个消息后激动得发狂。 He was________________excitement at the news. 答案 1.running out 2.turned up 3.home to 4.distant from 5.broke down 6.wild with Ⅲ.单项填空 1. He observed a man________into the bank room,but he didnt see clearly who he was.   A.to walk B.enter C.entering D.walk 解析 observe sb do sth“注意到某人做了某事”。enter后不能接into,故B项不对。 答案 D 2. Under the________of his fellow,he escaped from the prison successfully. A.help B.way C.risk D.shelter 解析 under the shelter of为固定搭配,意为“在……的掩护下”。 答案 D 3. The medical staff________having a meeting. A.is B.are C.was D.would be 解析 staff作主语,本句中看作个体,谓语动词用复数。 答案 B 4.In order to save time,he limited his lecture____


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