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焊接名词术语 焊接 welding 焊接技术welding technique 焊接过程welding process 焊接工艺welding technologe 焊接操作welding operation 焊接顺序welding sequence 焊接方向direction of welding 焊接回路welding circuit 坡口groove 开坡口beveling (of the edge) 单面坡口single groove 双面坡口double groove 坡口面groove face 坡口角度groove angle 坡口面角度bevel angle angle of preparation 接头根部root of joint 根部间隙root gap (root opening) 根部半径root radius (groove radius 钝边root face 接缝joint gap 焊接接头gap joint 接头设计joint design 对接接头butt joint 角接接头cornor joint T形接头T-joint 搭接接头lap joint 十字接头cross shaped joint 端接接头edge joint 卷边接头odge-flange joint 套管接头muff joint(sleeve joint) 斜对接接头scarf butt joint 锁底对接接头lock butt joint 母材base metal (parent metal) 热影响区heat-affected zone 过热区overheated zone 熔合区bond 熔合线bond line(weld junction) 焊接区weld metal area 焊缝区weld metal area 焊缝weld 定位焊缝tack weld 非承载焊缝connective weld 承载焊缝strength weld 连续焊缝continuous weld 断续焊缝intermittent weld 纵向焊缝longitudinal weld 横向焊缝transverse weld 环形焊缝girth weld(circumferential weld) 螺旋形焊缝spiral weld(hilecal weld) 密封焊缝seal weld 对接焊缝butt weld 角焊缝fillet weld 正面角焊缝fillet weld in normal shear 侧面角焊缝fillet weld parallel shear 并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld 交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld 凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld 凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld 端接焊缝edge weld 塞焊缝plug weld 焊缝正面face of weld 焊缝背面back of weld 焊缝宽度weld width 焊缝厚度weld throat(actual throat thickness) 焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat 焊缝凸度convexity 焊缝凹度concavity 焊趾toe of weld 焊脚leg 焊脚尺寸fillet weld size(size of a fillet weld) 熔深penetration(depth of fusion) 焊缝成形appearance of weld 焊缝成形系数form factor(of the weld) 余高reinforcement 连续焊continuous welding 断续焊intermittent welding 对接焊butt welding 角焊fillet welding 搭接焊lap welding 卷边焊flange welding 车间焊接shop welding 工地焊接field welding 返修焊rewelding 补焊repair welding 焊接工艺参数welding condition(welding parameter) 焊接电流welding current 焊接速度welding speed 引弧电压striking voltage 电弧电压arc voltage 线能量energy input(heat input) 熔化速度melting rate 熔化系数melting coefficient 熔敷速度deposition rate 熔敷系数deposition coefficient 合金过渡系数transfer eff


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