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中国中医基础医学杂志 2013 年 6 月第 19 卷第 6 期 216 Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine June 2013 Vol. 19. No. 6  【理论探讨】 脾“体阴而用阳”疏证  李 涵,张明雪△ ( 辽宁中医药大学,沈阳 110032) : 摘要 唐容川认为脾“其体阴而其用阳”,学界对此说发祥尤少。本文从脾的解剖结构、生理功能、论治特点及唐氏此说出现 的理论背景方面进行了详尽疏证,揭示脾居中土藏营贮血,其体属阴,以气为发挥运化、升清、护卫功能的物质基础,其用为阳的功 能特点,并系统梳理脾运化、统血、主卫的功能,明确脾统血“贮血、生血、行血、摄血”的理论内涵,为完备脾藏象理论体系张本。 : 关键词 脾体阴而用阳; 脾藏象理论; 脾统血; 脾主运化; 脾之主为卫 中图分类号: R222. 15 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006-3250( 2013) 06-0612-03 Commentary of the Spleen “taking Yin as the body and Yang as its function” LI Han,ZHANG Ming-xue△ ( Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110032,China) Abstract: According to Mr. TANG Rong-chuan,spleen belongs to Yin but acts as Yang,which lacks proof in TCM. This article summarizes the theory background of Tang,together with anatomical structure,physiological functions and treatment characteristics of spleen,in order to reveal and differentiate Yin and Yang function of Spleen. Spleen is responsible for blood storage,which is Yin,also dominates transformation,ascending function and controls blood,which is Yang. The passage also identifies the function of spleen and demonstrates its blood control theory including storage, hemogenesis,circulation and restraint,therefore complete and perfect spleen visceral theory. Key words: Spleen belongs to Yin but acts as Yang; Spleen Visceral Theory; Spleen controls blood within the vess


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