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血液循环系统测试试卷 1、Which one of the following substances has not direct relation with the regulation of the local blood flow? A、lactic acid B、CO2 C、renin D、prostaglandin E、adenosine 2、Regarding the normal circuit for blood flow,pressure is lowest in the _________. A、right atrium B、capillaries C、inferior vena cava(下腔静脉) D、systemic arteries E、arterioles 3、In a cardiac cycle,the aortic pressure is the lowest at ___. A、the end of isometric contraction period B、the end of isometric relaxation period C、the atrial systole D、the rapid filling period E、the beginning of slow ejection 4、 The mean circulatory filling pressure depends on the relation between A、Athe arterial pressure and the peripheral resistance B、the cardiac output and the peripheral resistance C、the blood volumes and the capacity of circulatory system D、the heart output and the arterial pressure E、the venous return and the contractility of the heart 5、 In the____ ,the conducting velocity of the excitation is the lowest A、SA node B、AV node C、Purkinje cells D、His bundle E、Ventricular muscles 6、 The resistance vessel is ________. A、the large artery B、the small artery and the arteriole C、the capillaries D、the small vein E、the large vein - 1 - 7 、 The effective refractory period of the ventricle is longer and lasts until the ___________. A、the beginning of the systole B、middle of the systole C、beginning of the diastole D、end of the diastole E、none of the above 8、 In the normal condition,the sensitivity of the baroreceptor reflex is the highest while the pressure in the carotid sinus changed between ___________. A、30 mmHg and 50 mmHg B、70 mmHg and 90 mmHg C、90 mmHg and 110 mmHg D、130 mmHg and 150 mmHg E、150 mmHg and 170 mmHg 9、 Vasodilation in the heart and skeletal muscles during exercise is primarily due to the effects of A、alpha-adr


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