计算机系统详解lec02a-Bits and Bytes.ppt

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计算机系统详解lec02a-Bits and Bytes

Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective 计算机系统详解 Lecture 2a Bits and Bytes;Overview;Why Don’t Computers Use Base 10?;Binary Representations;Byte-Oriented Memory Organization;Encoding Byte Values;Literary Hex;Machine Words;Word-Oriented Memory Organization;Data Representations;Byte Ordering;Byte Ordering Example;Reading Byte-Reversed Listings;Examining Data Representations;show_bytes Execution Example;Representing Integers;Representing Pointers;Representing Floats;char S[6] = 15213;;Machine-Level Code Representation;Representing Instructions;Boolean Algebra;A;Integer Algebra;Boolean Algebra;Commutativity A | B = B | A A + B = B + A A B = B A A * B = B * A Associativity (A | B) | C = A | (B | C) (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) (A B) C = A (B C) (A * B) * C = A * (B * C) Product distributes over sum A (B | C) = (A B) | (A C) A * (B + C) = A * B + B * C Sum and product identities A | 0 = A A + 0 = A A 1 = A A * 1 = A Zero is product annihilator A 0 = 0 A * 0 = 0 Cancellation of negation ~ (~ A) = A – (–?A) = A; ;Properties of and ^;Relations Between Operations;General Boolean Algebras;Representing Manipulating Sets;Bit-Level Operations in C;Contrast: Logic Operations in C;Shift Operations;Cool Stuff with Xor;More Fun with Bitvectors;More Bitvector Magic;Some Other Uses for Bitvectors;Summary of the Main Points


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