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智课网TOEFL备考资料 记忆复写托福写作范文【杀托神器专区】 摘要: 记忆复写托福写作范文【杀托神器专区】,今天解析的是一道今昔对比的家庭类话题,下面我们就通过神器来简单了解一下。 Do you agree or disagree: in modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today and the world of 50 years ago are too different. 小马 哥特地挑选了范文中好学易用的两个段落来给大家剖析一下!先看第一段: Grandchildren have been the apples of grandparents’ eyes. To give their love and care, grandparents always provide useful advice to polish the behaviors and minds of their grandchildren. However, with the changes of the society, some people claim that the advice from grandparents to grandchildren is not useful anymore. As far as I am concerned, this assertion is arbitrary and one-sided because there are at least two aspects in which grandparents’ advice still remains valuable. My reasons and examples are given below. 本段的整体结构用了“话题引入+双方立场+个人观点”这样一个经典漂亮的结构开头。这是一个可借鉴且好借鉴的形式,开头还不熟练的小伙伴们可以拿小本本记下来了。 另外,值得一说的是里面的一个成语“the apple of ones eye”。这个固定结构相信大家不陌生,但注意不要错写成the apple of the eye of哈。 在搭配上,这个词组常与动词be,keep, care for等连用常用来比喻“象爱护眼珠一样爱护某个最心爱的人或珍贵的东西”(a cherished person or object; sth extremely precious to one; sb dearly loved)。如:圣经中说:Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of the wings.请珍视我并将我庇护在您的羽翼之下。 除此之外,“…… is arbitrary and one-sided …” “这个现象或者描述非常武断和片面”这个词组也是值得一记。为啥呢?因为纵观 托福 写作的很多题目,我们不难发现很多题目中的观点都具有这种特点,都比较片面武断。所以当我们描述自己的观点时候就可以适时的来上这么一句,说题目的说法比较武断和片面,然后后面接上自己的原因。基本上都能用得着。 再看第二段,第一个理由:首先当孩子生活陷入沮丧时,父母的建议很有用。 Firstly, the advice from grandparents works well when children run into frustrations in life. It is because grandparents have sufficient experience in coping with failures based on a great deal of ups and downs that they have gone through. For example, in my high school, I was the so-called straight-A student because I excelled at any kind of exams. But in a mid-term exam, I just achieved a score kicking me out of top 3, which disappointed me so much that I even


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