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OPTIMIZED DESIGN OF THE TUBULAR INDUCTION ACTUATOR AIDED BY COMPUTER Jorge Freitas; Jorge Dias; Avelar Freitas; Carlos Cabrita ISTDEEC, Secqfio de Mhuinas Elkticas e Electrhica de Potsncia, Laboratory of Mechatronics AV. Rovisco Pais, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal Phone: (351-1) 841 72 15 Fax: (351-1) 848 29 87 ABSTRACT:The paper presents the practical aspects of zP - pole pitch length, m computer aided design of tubular induction motors used in standstill industrial and control applications. Using the maximum value of force (thrust) per power input at standstill The small size three-phase tubular induction actuator, to be as an optimum design criterion, the optimized design used in industrial and control standstill applications, is like an formulas are also proposed. Taking into account these electrical piston, and compared with compressed air and formulas, a computer program was developed by the authors. hydraulic systems is more advantageous because neither The program is written in TURBO PASCAL as well as in compressors nor pipes are necessary. Besides the tubular BASIC programming languages and realise the optimized actuator is very reliable and with no maintenace. The actual design of the three-phase tubular induction actuators. applications of this type


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