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第 12 卷 第 2 期 安徽理工大学学报( 社会科学版) Vol. 12 No. 2 2010 年 6 月 Jo urnal o f A nhui U niversity o f Science a nd T echnolog y( Social Science ) Jun. 2010 论我国城市公共艺术设置中的“公众性”缺席 李木子 ( 安徽工程大学 艺术学院, 安徽 芜湖 241000) 摘 要: 公共艺术伴随我国的城市化进程而呈现全面繁荣之势, 但快速发展背后也暴露出“公 众性”缺席的根本矛盾。其主要表现为, 忽视对城市居民精神文化需要的深度探求, 难以对其产 生“情感的共振”; 创作风格趋同化, 不能彰显城市精神; 决策机制不透明, 与周边环境关系亟待 整合、协调等。而“公众性”的缺席和离场, 则使得我国的公共艺术设置消耗了巨大的社会资源 而难以发挥其应有的社会功能。 关键词: 公共艺术; 设置; “公众性”缺席 中图分类号: J523  文献标识码: A  文章编号: 1672-1101( 2010) 02-0105-04 On the absence of “public character”in the development of our urban public arts L I M u-zi ( Depart ment of A rt Desig n, A nhui U niv ersity o f T echnolog y and Science, Wuhu, A nhui 241000, China ) Abstract: In the process o f urbanizatio n, our country s public arts are endow ed w ith an all-round pr osper - ity . Ho wever, the absence o f “public character ”, the fundamental conflict hidden behind the rapid devel- opm ent w as exposed. It is m ainly em bo died as follo w s: the ig no rance o f deep ex ploration into the spiritu- al and cultural needs of ur ban residents w ith the r esult o f a lack of“em otio nal r esonance”; the co nform ity of these creative styles failing to dem onstrate the spirit of the city ; the opacity of the decision-making mechanism and its environment need to integr ate and coo rdinate, etc. , in which the absence of public character makes our urban public arts co nsum e enormo us resources w ithout performing their social func- tio n. Key words: public art ; installment; the absence of “public character”   公共艺术主要指存在于现代城市公共空间中 市民的公共领域意识和群体的归属感, 公共艺术都 供人民大众共享的艺术综


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