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PAGE 3 PAGE 67 摘 要 本设计为×××设计。建筑面积约为14500,拟建建筑物为五加六层局部七层,各层层高均为3.8m。本设计分为两部分:第一部分是建筑设计,建筑设计本着“功能适用,经济合理,造型美观,环境相宜”的原则,以国家相应规范、标准为依据,完成了设计任务书所要求的建筑平面设计,并在此基础上进行了立面、剖面、建筑详图设计以及建筑构造做法和材料的选用。本设计采用了内廊式的平面组合建筑布局合理,功能分区明确、流线清晰、便于管理,且满足使用要求,消防和疏散要求满足建筑防火规范。第二部分为结构设计,本设计的结构采用框架结构,结构设计本着“安全,适用,耐久”的原则,进行了竖向荷载汇集,水平荷载汇集,内力计算,内力组合,包括框架梁、板、柱、楼梯、及基础的截面设计等。其中对框架梁、柱的设计都采用了比较常用的弹性理论方案,对双向板的设计采用了弹性理论设计。本设计建筑物地区抗震设防烈度为7度,应甲方要求按抗震设防烈度为7度进行抗震设计。设计中采用手算和电算相结合,手算为主,电算为辅。且手算中运用了底部剪力法、“D”值法和弯矩分配法等各种先进的计算方法。建筑设计使用年限为50年,建筑的安全等级为二级。设计后达到了强度、刚度和稳定性方面的要求。 关键词:实验楼 框架结构 抗震设计 底部剪力法、 Abstract With the increasing development of the national economy ,Various colleges in the years enrollment.In order to solove the shortage of accommodation with the enrollment of students. Chuzhou Vocational Technical College bace on the overall plan for College,will build a student apartment which can meet about 600 people’s living in the southwest side of the original womens dormitory. The paper make a detailed design and detailed study for the student apartment.In according with Building codes,such as residential design code,Concrete structure design standard ,architectural design fire protection standard and so on , this paper mainly made two aspects of the design about the building and structure. Its conclusions are as follows: Through the design of Chuzhou Vocational Technical College,made it’s layout reasonable, function perfect, Facade modeling concise , lines fluent. Selection of the design is frame structure,which is easy layout ,reliable, convenient and more economical. During the designing , combine with the hand counting and computer calculating,mainly hand count, supplemented by computer. During the hand counting,used the various dvanced, method of calculation such as Bottom shear law,D method and Moment Distribution Method and so on.And completed the architectural design, structural design, floor design, design of the staircase, balcony design and content of the foundation design. Keywords:


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