外刊精读(十):Could a Lack of Water Cause Wars.docx

外刊精读(十):Could a Lack of Water Cause Wars.docx

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外刊精读(十):Could a Lack of Water Cause Wars

考研VIP 只为更出众  HYPERLINK  PAGE9 / NUMPAGES9 Could a Lack of Water Cause Wars? 缺水会导致战争吗? By Pola Lem Water scarcity poses a greater risk of turmoil under global warming, the World Bank argues 【生词】turmoil 混乱 【翻译】世界银行认为,在全球变暖下,水资源匮乏会加大混战的风险。 Water scarcity is expected to increase globally as populations boom and climate change sharpens uncertainty around the resources availability, according to a report by the World Bank. 【生词】scarcity 短缺 【翻译】据世界银行的报道,随着人口激增与环境变化使资源使用的不确定性尖锐化,全球水资源匮乏问题有望加剧。 The conclusion adds to a growing body of research, and it comes days before this years Climate Action 2016 summit in Washington, D.C. The report, titled “High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy,” highlights the importance of water to human health, agriculture and geopolitical stability. 【生词】summit峰会 agriculture农业 geopolitical地理政治学的 【分析】句子的主干是The report highlights the importance of water to human health, agriculture and geopolitical stability. titled “High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy,”是后置定语修饰report。 【翻译】这一结论是基于越来越多的研究,是在今年在华盛顿举行的2016年环境行动峰会的前几天提出的。这份的报告的主题是:“面临困境:气候变化,水资源和经济”强调了水对人类健康,农业和地理政治学的稳定。 Water scarcity is expected to cost a swath of countries in regions such as sub-Saharan and northern Africa, the Middle East, and large parts of Asia roughly 6 percent of their gross domestic product, the report found. Thats under a scenario in which emissions continue to be released as they are today. 【生词】scenario 设想,预测 release释放 【分析】句子的主干是Water scarcity is expected to cost a swath of countries in regions and large parts of Asia roughly 6 percent of their gross domestic product。 【翻译】报告发现,水资源匮乏有可能使一些在撒哈拉以南的非洲和北非,中东以及亚洲大部分的国家的国内生产总值大约下降6%。这一发现是基于废气排放与现在一样没有什么改变的设想。 Its a stubborn problem, the report found. Even in a scenario where nations increase their water efficiency, northern Africa and the Middle East would still see 6 percent losses to their economy. 【生词】stubborn 顽固的 efficiency效率 【分析】句子的主干是:northern Africa and th


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