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稽核部 Internal Audit Department 本局董事會非常重視企業管治,稽核部的主要職責 The Board of the Kuk places strong values on corporate governance. The 是協助董事會評估本局的內部監控是否健全及有 key role of the Internal Audit Department (herein called the Department) 效。董事會賦予稽核部獨立監察企業管治的權責, is to assist the Board to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the 在稽核委員會的督導下,以客觀及公正之專業精神 Kuk’s internal control systems. The Board entrusts the Department 評估各部門及屬下單位的內部監控制度是否健全及 with the mandate of independently monitoring the status of corporate 有效,確保各方善款、政府資助,以及其他收入均 governance. Under the supervision of the Audit Committee, the 能適當及有效地運用。以下是本部的主要工作︰ Department reviews objectively the internal control systems of various departments and service units of the Kuk to assure that any income such as donations, grants and subventions has been effectively managed. The Department carries out the following main duties: ? 評估部門及單位的運作模式和流程,以及潛在 ? Assessing the operation mode and activities of various service units 之風險。 to identify the associated risk of each process and activity; ? 評估部門及單位的內部監控制度,確保各部門 ? Evaluating the internal control system of service units in order to 和單位均依從有關規例、章則及程序。 assist the Management to monitor the regulatory and procedural compliance of its units; ? 檢討監控系統之健全性與有效性,儘早發現內 ? Monitoring the adequacy and efficacy of the internal


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