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環境敏感度與山坡地土地分類關連性之探討 游元興[1] 林俐玲[2] 摘 要 山坡地土地可利用限度分類標準自民國88年修正自今已逾10年,雖已建立相關制度規範,惟當初分類原則主要是以農牧使用為考量主軸,在目前台灣山坡地使用多元且集約及異常氣候影響重大災害不斷情形下,相關標準已有再次檢討必要。特地水土保持區劃定與廢止準則以環境風險率高低來定義環境敏度,高環境敏感度代表開發行為產生災害的機率越高。本文嘗試從強化國土保育減少災害發生的角度探討環境敏感度與山坡地土地分類之關連性,以提供山坡地可利用限度查定標準修正參考。 關鍵詞:山坡地土地可利用限度分類標準、環境敏感度 Study on Correlation between the Environment Sensitivity Degree and the Land Classification of Slopeland YUANSHING YOU[1] LI-LING LIN[2] ABSTRACT The Classification Standard for Land Use Limit of Slopeland (the “Standard”) has been implemented for over 10 years since its modification in 1999. Although the Standard establishes relevant systems and regulations, its classification principle emphasizes the agricultural use. As currently, Taiwan land use is diversified and intense and dramatic climate causes a series of disasters, it is necessary to review the Standard again. The creation and abolition standard for specific slopeland reserve district should define the environment sensitivity degree in accordance with the environment risk – a high environment sensitivity degree indicates a higher disaster probability caused by a development action. From strengthening national land reservation and reducing disaster occurrence aspects, this paper studies correlation between the environment sensitivity degree and the land classification of slopeland, in order to provide reference for modifying the land use limit standard of slopeland. Keywords:The Classification Standard for Land Use Limit of Slopeland, The Environment Sensitivity Degree [1]國立中興大學水土保持系碩士研究生(通訊作者) Master, Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan, R.O.C (Corresponding Author) E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:yuanshing@mail.swcb.gov.tw yuanshing@mail.swcb.gov.tw [2]國立中興大學水土保持系教授 Professor, Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan, R.O.C 前言 早


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