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污泥和粉煤灰覆盖煤矸石山防治污染的模拟试验研究基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项目(2009AA06Z320), 河北省科技支撑项目资助) 作者简介:马保国(1967-), 男,河北邯郸人,博士, 教授, 主要从事水土资源与环境方面研究 ﹡通讯作者:胡振琪, E-mail: huzq@ 马保国1,2,胡振琪2* (1.河北工程大学 水电学院, 河北邯郸 056021; 2.中国矿业大学(北京)土地复垦与生态重建研究所, 北京 100083) 摘要:煤矸石山已成为我国煤矿区严重的环境问题。本文采用3个柱淋溶模拟试验,研究污泥和粉煤灰覆盖煤矸石降低酸性排水污染的效果。试验结果表明:污泥和粉煤灰覆盖煤矸石后其淋溶液pH值由2.0升为7.5左右,Eh值分别降低到50和200mV以下,EC值均降低到2.0mS/cm,重金属镉、铜、铅、镍和锌的浓度降到0.002 mg/L以下,硫酸盐和铁的污染得到有效控制。这主要因为污泥和粉煤灰的碱性、吸附作用及其中硫酸盐还原菌的作用促进了Fe等氢氧化物沉淀和多种重金属硫化物及碳酸盐的沉淀固定;pH值呈中性或微碱性能够阻止嗜酸硫氧化细菌对黄铁矿的微生物催化氧化。污泥和粉煤灰覆盖煤矸石可以明显地抑制煤矸石中硫化物氧化产生的酸和重金属污染,其中污泥覆盖5cm的修复效果更好。 关键词:煤矸石; 酸矿水; 市政污泥; 粉煤灰; 重金属污染 Simulation experiment of sludge and fly ash covering coal waste piles for the prevention and control of contamination MA Bao-guo1,2, HU Zhen-qi2* (1.College of hydroelectricity , Hebei University of Engineering, Hebei Handan 056021,China; 2.Institute of Land RecLamation and EcoLogicaL Restoration, China University of Mining and TechnoLogy, Beijing 100083,China) Abstract: The coal waste piles that release highly acidic, sulfate and metals-rich drainage are serious environmental problems in coal mining areas in China. In order to study the effect of using sewage-sludge and fly ash for remedying acid and heavy metals contamination from coal waste, the column leaching tests of the covers of sewage-sludge and fly ash were conducted. Our results show that the covers of sewage-sludge and fly ash can effectively immobilize heavy meatals (concentrations of cadmium, copper, iron,lead, nickel and zinc 0.002mg/L) in acid-mine drainage from coal waste, increase pH value and decrease Eh, EC, Fe and SO42- concentrations of acid-mine drainage from coal waste. The oxidation of sulfide in coal waste was prevented by addition of the sewage-sludge and fly ash, which favors the generation of the alkalinity and asorption, the decrease of the population of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, the heavy metals immobilization by precipitation of sulfide and carbonate through biological (SRB) sulfate redu


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