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 第 53 卷  第 10 期 化    工   学   报 Vol. 53  №10  2002 年 10 月 Journal  of  Chemical  Industry  and  Engineering  (China) October  2002 研究简报 多孔 TiO2 纳米薄膜修饰的镍基光电极的制备和性能     赵转清  姚素薇  张卫国  周亦龙         龚正烈            (天津大学化工学院 , 天津 300072)    (天津理工学院光电系 , 天津 300191)      关键词  TiO2  多孔  纳米薄膜  PEC  镍基光电极 中图分类号  O 649  TM 914      文献标识码  A      文章编号  0438 - 1157 (2002) 10 - 1099 - 04 PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF NANOSTRUCTURED TiO2 POROUS FILM ZHAO Zhuanqing , YAO Suwei ,                          ZHANG Weiguo and ZHOU Yilong             GONG Zhenglie        ( School of Chemical Engineering and Technology ,        ( Department of Optoelectronics , Tianjin    Tianjin U niversity , Tianjin 300072 , China)      Institute of Technology , Tianjin 300191 , China) Abstract  Nanostructured TiO2 porous film supported on nickel was prepared through sol - gel process , and was used as photoelectrode in solar energy photoelectrochemical cell. It was found that short circuit photocurrent and open circuit photovoltage of the photoelectrodes increased with the increment of sintering temperature and thickness of TiO2 film. Through STM , the pore quantity and diameter of nanostructured TiO2 film were found to increase with the increment of sintering temperature. It was found that the transparence of different thickness nanostructured TiO2 films coated on quartz did not change much. Keywords  TiO2 , porous , nanostructured film , PEC , photoelectrode of nickel 化法[3 ] 、电化学沉积法[4 ] 、化学气相沉积法[5 ] 、?? 引  言


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