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PAGE  PAGE 15 災荒視野下的唐代糧價變遷與百姓生活略考 蘭州大學歷史文化學院 么振華 [內容提要] 本文首先在前人研究基礎上,對唐代糧價信息進行了全面的搜集整理,包括價格高漲、價格低廉及價格正常三類,並將其換算成斗米價錢以便於統計分析。在三類糧價信息中,以高糧價信息保存最多,出現在災荒、戰爭及經濟改革等特殊時期,尤其是災荒時期;其次是低糧價信息,均出現在糧食豐稔、社會安定的太平時期;正常糧價的信息則因當時尋常可見而史家留意最少,因此保存最少。其次,在綜合考察糧價信息的基礎上,對唐代糧價變遷的趨勢進行分析,總結出唐代糧價的四高四低,並指出其中第三低為假低實高。第三低為德宗建中元年兩稅法實施後至順宗時期(780-805)約25年,表面上糧價比前期有所下降,但由於兩稅多折算成絹帛繳納,征錢僅占很小一部分,剝削反而加重,百姓生活不僅未見好轉,卻愈加困苦。最後,對災荒所致糧價變化對平民百姓生活境況的具體影響加以討論,包括貞觀初年百姓的生活僅是節衣縮食尚可承受而非糧食富足,涼州屯田前後的糧食存儲及糧價變化情況,災荒時糧價上升對百姓生活發生影響的實例,如高宗永淳元年旱蝗疾疫,肅宗、德宗貞元初及唐末光啟年間的戰亂饑荒交織下百姓的生活處境,并指出唐代人口發展呈現的階段性特徵與糧價的漲落變遷趨勢基本一致。文末總結唐代糧價變化的特點及原因,指明糧價及糧食安全問題對社會穩定的重要意義。 [關鍵字] 災荒;唐代;糧價變遷;百姓生活;饑荒;糧食安全 The Study on the Change of Grain Price and the Life of Ordinary People from Famine Field in the Tang Dynasty YAO ZHENHUA (School of Historical and Culture,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou, Gansu,China,730020) Abstract:This paper first made a comprehensive collection on the information of the grain price including the high price, low price and the normal price in the Tang Dynasty,and converted them into a bucket of rice price in order to make statistical analysis. In the three kinds of grain information, the amount of high grain price information which appeared in the special period including famine,war and economic reform was the greateast. Next to the high grain price information was the low price information which appeared in the grain bumper harvest,stable society and peace period. The preservation of the normal price information was the least due to its common at that time and historians regarded at least. Secondly, based on the comprehensive study of the price information, carried on the analysis to the changes of the grain price in the Tang Dynasty,and concluded that the prices had four high and four low, and points out the third low was false low but real high. The third low was about 25 years from the implementation of the two tax law at the first year of Jianzhong in De Zong period to the period of Shun Zong(780-805),the grain price decli


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