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SAO Introduction kirito (桐人) accesses to a game named Sword Art Online . There are about ten thousand game players is forced into the game of death. He was involved in the stage of the game -- a huge floating castle Ian Gerd Lunt, in order to not with the team, he fights by playing swordman in this game. But his destiny was changed while he met Asuna (亚斯娜),sheetz cliff(希兹克利夫)............. The scenery of SAO In the SAO, clouds of white , skies of blue ,trees of green, flowers of color are so beautiful. However, under the beauty of the SAO, there is a vast conspiracy(阴谋) Will of the heart!(内心的意志) kirito wakes up from the SAO, while Asuna is still trapped in the game. But he don’t know. For him, He just wanted to immediately meet with her. Kirito’s memory In the SAO…………. Family love Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. For kirito (桐人),it’s insistence that makes he save Asuna .(亚斯娜) In the life long journey with many detours[ˈdi:tuəz], path, dangerous road and dark road, only when we have strong willpower, will we have hopes of reaching the victory . Living seriously(认真地活着) Also, for every game player trapped in the SAO………. Now the animation adapted from a novel is very popular on the Internet and a lot of people are lost in it. . Only when you experience the animation , can you get the excellent feeling . Finally, thanks



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