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大学英语写作中的常见语病及应对策略 语病的主要表现和分析 词语运用方面的问题 词不达意 受汉语的影响或因为对英语词义掌握不准确,学生在写作中会出现所选词语的意义与所要表达的意思不相符的现象。例如: (1) We must assure that we can improve the working condition. (句中 assure 应改为ensure。assure表示为使别人解除疑虑而作的“保证”,而ensure则是强调对某种行为的结果有把握。) (2) The Chinese people often respect cigarettes when they meet. (句中 respect 应改为offer。respect只是“尊敬”之意,而这里需要的是“提供、给”之意。) (3) Gradually, students will lose interests and become dull. (句中 dull 应改为bored。根据句义,学生会变得“厌学”,而不是变得“乏味”。) 词性不当 因为对词性把握不准,学生在写作中常会出现“词性误用”的现象。例如: (4) None can negative the importance of money. (句中negative是形容词,被误用为动词,应改为negate。 ) (5) Some people claim that fast food will instead of tradition food. (句中instead of是介词短语,被误用为动词,应改为take the place of或replace。) (6) Despite he is very diligent at study, he still cannot pass the CET4. (句中Despite是介词,被误用为连词,应改为Although。) 搭配错误 因为掌握的英语固定搭配有限,更主要的是受到汉语的影响,学生在写作中往往会用汉语的搭配去套英语,结果造成搭配错误。例如: In the past, the price of milk was so expensive that most families could no afford it. (“价钱贵”是汉语说法,英语中price不和expensive搭配,而和high搭配,所以应把expensive改为high。) The opportunity to be promoted in a joint venture will be smaller if one can not speak English. (句中的smaller 应改为less。) However the speed of a car is much faster than that of a bicycle. (句中的faster 应改为higher。) 句子构建中的问题 单用逗号连接句子 汉语中单用逗号连接两个独立分句,但规范英语对此不予接受。中国学生因受其母语的影响,也常常直接用逗号连接英语的句子。例如: The current was swift, he couldn’t swim to the shore. (有多种方法可以纠正这类错误,例如: = 1 \* GB3 ① The current was swift, so/and he couldn’t swim to the shore.  = 2 \* GB3 ② The current was swift; (therefore,) he couldn’t swim to the shore.  = 3 \* GB3 ③ He couldn’t swim to the shore, for/ because the current was swift.  = 4 \* GB3 ④ The current being swift, he couldn’t swim to the shore.) 时态和语态的误用 与英语相比,汉语的时态和语态既不明显又不十分严格,而英语则形式复杂,规定也比较严格。因此,学生在这些方面经常出现问题。句子中时态、语态的误用使句子连贯性遭到破坏,造成句义模糊,甚至引起误解。例如: We drew the conclusion that Tom is dishonest. (可改为:We drew the conclusion that Tom was dishonest.) I wrote to him, but my letter was not answered.


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