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新时代下对海绵城市的研究论文 摘要:近年来,全国许多地区遭遇不同程度的积水,尤其是在人口密集的城市,逢雨必涝现象已经成为一个城市病。雨水排不出去导致城市灾害的形成,城市基础设施严重损坏,阻碍了城市交通的正常通行,带来很多公共生活不便。同时,有很多地方遭受干旱,形成严重的缺水现象。一方面洪涝,一方面又缺水。如何发挥雨水最大效益解决雨水洪涝灾害,已成为城市建设和发展中一个亟待解决的问题。2014年11月2日,住房和城乡建设部对外印发了《海绵城市建设指南》,提出海绵城市建设。这将意味着在我国未来的城市建设要转变观念,改变单一“以排为主”的排涝思想,充分利用海绵海绵型城市理论进行城市建设,结合城市雨洪系统和自然生态恢复,解决城市内涝,回收利用雨水资源,构建绿色生态 海绵城市。 关键词:海绵城市雨水收集;景观道路 Study on sponge city in the new era Abstract:In recent years, many parts of the country suffered varying degrees of water, especially in the densely populated city, the phenomenon of waterlogging has become a city disease. The formation of urban disasters caused by the formation of the urban disaster, the urban infrastructure severely damaged, the urban transportation is blocked, and the inconvenience of public life is brought.. At the same time, there are many places suffered from drought, the formation of severe water shortage phenomenon. On the one hand floods, on the one hand and lack of water. How to play the biggest benefit of the rain water flood disaster, has become the city construction and the development of an urgent problem. In November 2, 2014, the Ministry of housing and urban and Rural Construction issued the sponge city construction guide, put forward sponge city construction. This would mean that in Chinas future urban construction to want change idea, change drainage thought of the single row based , make full use of the sponge type urban theory in urban construction, combined with the urban rain flood system and natural ecological restoration, solve urban waterlogging, recovery and utilization of rain water resources, construction of urben green ecological sponge. Keywords:Sponge city rainwater collection; landscape road 引言 据统计数据显示,我国从2011到2014的国家,短短几年时间,360多个城市遭遇内涝,北京城市排水系统瘫痪,济南等城市内涝严重的甚至排水系统崩溃。但与此同时,有1100个城市严重缺水。城市排水标准低和雨水利用系统的不足,使得城市资源短缺成为灾难.的诱因。“海绵城市”概念的提出,使城市建设真正落到实处,解决实际问题,这是基于自然的思想理论。海绵城市建设是城市规划层面、操作层面和各层次和各工作水平之间的相互合作,也是长时间的保护和建设的过程。 海绵的城市,是指城市能像一块海绵,可以储存水,而且当需要释放储存的水和使用相同的时间。海绵具有弹性,能适应环境


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