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Expression Tips Touching Chinese Culture 《中国文化英语学习》 ZK 2014/12/29 Module A A General Survey of China 中国概况 Chinas Natural Resources 中国自然资源 总量 total volume 爬行类 reptile 兽类 beast 分布不均匀 unevenly distributed 位居世界前列 lead the world 高等植物 higher plant 两栖类 amphibian 资源总量 resource reservoir 人均 per capita Module B Traditional Chinese Ideology and Virtues 中国传统思想和美德 Confucian culture 儒家思想 Confucianism 儒家,儒教 the Four Books and Five Classics 四书五经 filial piety 孝, 孝顺 Confucius temples 孔庙 benevolence 仁爱,慈善 Traditional Chinese Filial Virtue 中国传统孝道 Filial Piety 孝道 filiality 孝 obligatory duty 义不容辞的责任 be grateful to others and seek ways to return their the cores of Chinese culture 中国传统文化核心 kindness 感恩图报 Module C Classical Chinese Literature 中国古典文学 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义 Romance of The Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》 household names 家喻户晓 semi-fictional 半虚构 Tales of their exploits, courage, adventures 丰功伟 literary masterpiece 文学名著 业和英雄事迹 capabilties of Lu Bu 吕布无敌 Outlaws of the Marsh 水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh 水浒传 the rich and relieving the poor 杀富济贫、替天行道 peasant uprisings 农民起义 preeminent and distinctive heroic images 英勇绝伦 legendary novels 传奇小说 而又神态各异 executed justice on behalf of the Heavens by killing Journey to the West 西游记 Journey to the Wes


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