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第  PAGE 15 页 共  NUMPAGES 15 页 Ⅰ.完形填空 My daughters car accident last week left me deeply shaken. Audrey escaped with a collarbone (锁骨) __1__, but for days after that I couldnt __2__ my head the thought of how easily I could have lost her. It is a hard truth of parenthood that the more you love, the __3__ you have to lose. The more a child grows, the less __4__ you have over their life. You can not __5__ their hands as they cross the street, __6__ keep them from heading out on a highway because the rain might turn to __7__, as it did that day last week, in New Hampshire, with my __8__ daughter behind the wheel. I remembered that I let her, for the first time, __9__ alone down our dirty road for a quarter miles __10__ through what were mostly woods, to visit neighbors who just moved in with a daughter of her age. I dressed her up warmly for the trip and gave her a plastic bag filled with peanuts (花生) to __11__ along the way. I stood at the window, __12__ her stepping down the driveway. Then she __13__ the peanuts and they scattered (撒落) in all directions; she __14__ to pick them up with her gloves on, which made the job __15__. Then a strong wind came. She gathered up the peanuts that the wind hadnt __16__ away, set out again, and dropped the bag again. She bent down a second time, picking up peanuts one by one. I thought of how __17__ Id been with her, just __18__ she left. How Id __19__ that she was taking too long putting on her boots. The way Id brushed her hair was so __20__ that she cried out once. I wanted, then, to run out and put my arms around her, take her hand and waded with her the rest of the way. But what I did was just stand there. 1.A.had    B.good    C.broken   D.hard 【答案与解析】 C 从事故中幸存下来,付出的代价是“断了”锁骨。 2.A.get out of B.think of C.make use of D.let out 【答案与解析】 A get out of“消除;摆脱”。此处表示“我脑海中总是萦绕着那种想法”。 3.A.easier B.less C.quicker D.more 【答案与解析】 D 与前面的t


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