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Listening to LONG CONVERSATION ;简介;一、听前预测: ;二、听音做笔记 遇到关于数字、人名、地名的题目 , 在选项旁边做简短的笔记可以帮助记忆。 如果阅读选项时对问题猜测准确 , 就可以一边听一边选择答案。 ;1. 主旨大意题 考查对长对话大意, 主题的把握 , 一般是对话的第一题或最后一题。 ;2. 细节题: (80%) ;3. 原因推理题  考查简单的逻辑推理能力 , 其提到的逻辑关系常明确地用 since, as, lead to, result from 等进行说明, 实际与 细节题 大同小异。 提问方式 ? What can we conclude from the conversation? What can be inferred from the conversation? What is sb. thinking of doing? ;4. 数字计算题: A. 听清数字, 理解每个数字的含义 ; B. 数字计算 , 比较各数字的关系 ; C. 听清问题 , 做出针对性的选择。 5. 语音语义题  考查对词汇、习语、谚语的理解 , 对语气的辨别以及通过上下文猜测词义、语义的能力。;对话开头;问答处;;一、主观类题;社会生活;观光旅游;1. A) She can make a lot of friends. B) She is able to work more efficiently. C) She can learn metal discipline. D) She may get more familiar with the man. 2. A) It may not be of a high level of security. B) It can’t contain any commercial information. C) You can only use the free E-mail account at home. D) It is difficult to get access to the website with such service. ;19. A) The rock-climbing training involves a lot of preparation. B) Rock-climbing is safe if you are experienced enough. C) The woman is not excited about the first class in rock-climbing. D) The speakers will take a climbing trip in the early spring. 20. A) One is safe if he is very careful. B) Hi-tech safety equipment ensures one’s safety. C) A lot of people do rock-climbing and they are OK. D) There are no dangerous places nearby to do rock-climbing. ;1、选项均为名词或名词性短语,问题可能是关于对话所谈论的主题,或对话中出现的某一事件或问题的主题。 2、各题主题提示对话主题:将各题考查的内容综合,常可推出整篇对话的主题。 3、与对话主题或其余选项内容不同的选项往往不是答案。 4、意思相反的选项往往有一个为答案。 5、明显不合常理的选项往往不是答案。 6. 几个大问题之间通常无直接联系.;常见场景话题、词汇、问题汇总;I 学习类;经常出现的问题和答案 Q: Who is the speaker? A: teacher, professor, instructor, advisor Q: When does the talk take place? A: at the beginning (in the middle, at the end of the semester) Q: Where does the talk take place? A: classroom, lecture hall Q: What is the topic? A: changes in the schedule, the schedu


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