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合同录入,英文 合同管理中英文 Contract Management 合同管理制度 We set up this system to strength contract management and to keep club away from law risk and economy risk, 为了加强合同管理,防范公司的法律风险和经济风险,特制定本制度: 一、Contract signing and fulfillment 合同的订立、履行 1. When we achieve an cooperative intention for economic activities such as sales、engineering construction、purchase etc , if the price is upon 10 thousand Yuan, we should sign a contract after negotiation between both sides. 企业进行销售、工程施工、采购等业务,资金使用超过一万元的,与外界达成经济往来意向,经双方协商一致,应订立经济合同。 2. The signatory should know contractor detailedly before signing an economic contract, includes: whether they have corporate capacity; whether they have managerial authority; whether they have the ability to well fulfill the contract and how about their credit; whether the opposing signatory is legal representative or his consigner and the authority of the consigner. We should fully consider both our economic benefits and the actual ability of contractor, avoid being cheat and making an ineffective contract., and assure the effective and advantageous of contract. 签约人在签订经济合同之前,必须认真了解对方当事人的情况。包括:对方单位是否具有法人资格、有否经营权、有否履约能力及其资信情况,对方签约人是否法定代表人或法人委托人及其代理权限。做到既要考虑本方的经济效益,又要考虑对方的条件和实际能力,防止上当受骗,防止签订无效经济合同,确保所签合同有效、有利。 3. Undertaker or appointed department draft common contracts. The contents mainly includes: subject-matter of contract、amounts and quality、price and monetary reward,fulfillment period、place、method,liabilities for breach etc. Subject-matter of sales contracts depend on club policy in different periods. Undertaker should adopt articulate statewide text formatting. 一般合同由各部门经办人自行拟稿或公司指定部门拟稿。合同内容包括标的,数量和质量,价款或酬金,履行的期限、地点和方式,违约责任等主要条款。销售合同的标的按公司的不同阶段政策执行。经办人应尽可能使用国家有关部门统一制定的格式文本。 4. Contracts with a total under one million Yuan are called common contract. Contracts with a total upon one million Yuan or relate to important benefits of club are called important contract. 一般合同指总价在10万元以下的合同,重要的合同指总价在10万元以上的合同或关系公司重大利益的合同。 5. Purchase contrac


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