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第 40 卷第 3 期 应 用 科 技 Vol.40 No.3 2013 年 6 月 Applied Science and Technology Jun. 2013 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-671X.201303015 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/23.1191.U1353.001.html QHD32-6 油田N2 泡沫驱高温高压可视化实验研究 陈平,宋志学,郑继龙,张相春,赵军,吴晓燕 中海油 能源发展钻采工程研究院,天津 300452 摘 要:利用高温高压可视化填砂管,研究了静态和动态条件下 N2 泡沫驱油过程中原油与泡沫的流动规律及其驱油机 理,并对 QHD32-6 油田 N 泡沫驱泡沫体系进行优化. 实验结果表明:压力的增大有利于更多 N 溶入原油中,使原油 2 2 黏度下降,有利于原油的采出;随温度升高,N2 泡沫在填砂管模型中的封堵作用逐渐减弱. 在 90℃下,N2 泡沫体系仍 具有较高的阻力因数,说明该体系具有良好的耐高温性能. 随注入速度的增加,泡沫产生的阻力因子增大;但压力过大 容易形成气窜影响采收率,因此,应将注入速度控制在 1 ~2 mL/min. 关键词:高温高压;可视化物理模型;氮气泡沫;驱油实验 中图分类号:TE 357.46 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-671X (2013 )03-0075-04 Visualization studies on nitrogen-foam flooding experiment under high temperature and high pressure of QHD32-6 oilfield CHEN Ping, SONG Zhixue, ZHENG Jilong, ZHANG Xiangchun, ZHAO Jun, WU Xiaoyan Energy Technology Oilfield Engineering Research Institute, CNOOC, Tianjin 300452, China Abstract :The high temperature and high pressure visualized sand pack was applied to study the flowing laws and microscopic mechanism of oil displacement for crude oil and foam under static and dynamic situations during the process of N2 foam flooding, and the foam system of nitrogen-foam flooding of QHD32-6 oilfield was optimized. The experiment results showed that the increase of pressure could be beneficial to more nitrogen dissolving in crude oil, which made viscosity of crude oil decrease and facilitated oil production. With the increasing of temperature, the plugging effect of nitrogen-foam in the sand pack model became worse step by step. However, the nitrog


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