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当今高校支部存在的问题 陈虎 (广西大学电气工程学院第三支部党员) 【 摘 要 】高校学生党支部建设工作是高校党建工作的重要组成部分,培养一批具有政治觉悟较高、业务 素质优良、思想道德素质较高,能充分发挥先锋模范作用的大学生党员,是关系到我党发展和实现中华民 族伟大复兴的一件大事。党的十六大报告指出:必须以改革的精神推进党的建设,不断为党的肌体注入新 的活力。这一极富新意的论断,是新时期建设和发展党支部必须牢牢把握的一个基本原则,认真建设和发 展学生党支部对推进党的建设,为党输送一大批新鲜血液具有十分重要的意义。 而要建设好学生党支部, 我们就必须改革的眼光看待学生党支部发展中存在的问题,找到好的解决方法。本文试图通过揭示高校学 生党支部工作的现状和新环境,分析和研究党支部建设和发展中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策。 【 关 键 词 】 高校党支部建设;组织生活;支部工作 The Current Problems in Building College Student Party Branches CHEN Hu (Guangxi university, electrical engineering college third party branch) Abstract:The University students party branch construction work in colleges and universities is an important part of the party construction work, the training of a group of political consciousness has higher, business good quality, moral quality is higher, can fully play their vanguard and exemplary role of college students party members, the party is related to the development of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and a great event.The partys 16 big reports pointed out: must be in the spirit of reform, to promote the partys construction, part building inject new vitality.This is a new theory, is the new period construction and development party branch must firmly grasp one of the basic principles, serious construction and development to promote the students party branch of the construction of the party, the party for conveying a large number of fresh blood has the extremely vital significance. And to build good student party branch, we must look at the reform of students party branch, existing problems in developing to find a good solution. This paper attempts to reveal the current situation of the university students party branch and the new environment, analysis and study of the building of party branches and existing problems, and proposes the corr


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