RSR comprehensive evaluation method and run the program SAS.doc

RSR comprehensive evaluation method and run the program SAS.doc

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RSR comprehensive evaluation method and run the program SAS

RSR comprehensive evaluation method and run the program SAS Author: PAN Xue-Feng Zhuang Hailin Hong Changqing [Keywords:] RSR Abstract: The RSR comprehensive evaluation of the theory and analysis steps, with examples of the preparation of SAS to run programs, and run the results are analyzed. Keywords:: rank and ratio; comprehensive evaluation; SAS to run programs RSR (Rank Sum Ration, RSR) Statistical method is China’s statisticians Professor Tian Fengdiao proposed in 1988 a new comprehensive evaluation method [1], the law in the field of medical and health multi-index comprehensive evaluation, statistical forecasting, statistical quality control has been widely applications. RSR refer to row (or column) rank second on average, is a non-parametric statistics, with 0 ~ a continuous variable characteristics. In recent years, RSR continuously improve and enrich the statistical methods. Tian Feng notes (1992,1997) [2 ~ 4] have separately proposed the use of RSR to determine the weight coefficients of five kinds of methods and RSR for analysis of factors associated with Y. Li et al (1994) [5] proposed an average rank and the ratio () and the standard deviation RSR (SRSR) of these two indicators in order to evaluate in a number of objects and in the longer term to seek a more stable during the period when the representative of the value of and thus a reasonable reflection of the whole picture RSR. Liu Qing, and Lin AH (1999) [6] discussed the theory of the distribution of RSR and the establishment of interval estimation and hypothesis testing methods, that the distribution of rank, and close to normal distribution of the rank and rank, and can be applied to the normal distribution than the theory of interval estimation and hypothesis testing. Hayakawa, and Xu Chunhua Ge (1999) [7] proposed a non-full Rank RSR, with linear interpolation method is similar to the values of indicators compiled iron, RSR method to improve the provision of inadequate iron approach, the co


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