RSR hospital departments in the evaluation of medical quality.doc

RSR hospital departments in the evaluation of medical quality.doc

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RSR hospital departments in the evaluation of medical quality

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 6 RSR hospital departments in the evaluation of medical quality [Abstract] Objective: To understand the various departments of a hospital patient quality of care. Methods: Using RSR of May 2008 to April 2009 in 18 hospital departments, a comprehensive evaluation of medical quality. Results: The hospital’s department There were significant differences in quality of care. Conclusion: RSR assess the medical quality is a good way. [Keywords:] RSR, comprehensive assessment, medical quality Patient departments is an important part of the hospital is a major source of hospital business income, the level of hospital quality of care department, the hospital is directly related to economic and social benefits. Are using RSR (RSR 5, 2008 in a hospital January to April 2009 the medical department of the quality of patient evaluation. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Source Data from May 2008 to April 2009 in a tertiary level hospitals of medical statistics. 1.2 Methods and procedures Evaluation of the quality of medical care focused on patient department to consider: hospital visits, treatment efficiency, occupancy rate, bed turnover, average bed days, the average hospital length of stay, admission diagnosis rate of seven indicators, the use of RSR (RSR [1] were evaluated. 1.2.1 will be the size of each index data compiled by the order, calculate the inpatient department of the RSR RSR = R / (m n), where m is the number of indicators (7), n is the number of divisions (18). See Table 1. Table 1, the quality of a hospital department of medical treatment and efficient evaluation of division (slightly Note: 1. In addition to the average hospital stay was discharged from the low priority targets, the other indicators are high priority targets, 2. parenthesis in the order data 1.2.2 determine the distribution of RSR to y as the independent variable, RSR as the dependent variable, the regression equation calculated RSR = A + By, Ta



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