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Building Sustainable Common Services Centres in rural India;Disclaimer;Presently in India; Government has also taken a considered decision on ICT interventions in all walks of Governance (e-Governance) To provide a new face to the Government leading to changing the entire gamut of relationship between Government and Citizen For fast, responsive and transparent governance For more effectively reaching the huge un-reached population in remote rural areas For significant reduction in cost of delivery of government services;Common Services Centre Scheme;Some Important Features of CSC Scheme;Some Important Features of CSC Scheme …contd;Current Scenario: Common Services Centres;Perceived Objectives: Common Services Centres;Perceived Objectives: Common Services Centres;The Services Model;RURAL SERVICE DELIVERY ;RURAL SERVICE DELIVERY Key Parameters to be considered ;Rural Service Delivery;Government Certificates, Licenses, Grievance Redressal Law Order, Govt. Welfare Schemes Private Market prices, Education, News, Entertainment, Communication Govt. – Private Mixed Services;Finance;Government Service Delivery Strategy;Government-on-line is a very complex issue Many Technical, Financial, Management Risk issues Single window e-Service Delivery through Common Services Centres at remote place warrants appropriate dis-aggregation Structuring of Front End Structuring of Back End Middleware for all Technical, Financial and Management parameters;Organisational Support to deliver G2C services;Other Key Parameters for Sustainability;Good Governance Empowerment Equal Opportunity Human Development Income / Employment Generation;Ministry of Environment Forests, Government of India;“The dreams of the digital empowerment of rural India aren’t dreams any more. They are slowly taking real shapes in the hands of the rural poor, who with luck and IT on their side, will not remain impoverished much longer” - DATA QUEST, Sept.30th, 2004 A leading fortnightly IT Magazine of


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