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PAGE  PAGE 27 唐山唐钢行政管理处 篇一:唐钢集团简介中英文对照 唐钢集团简介 唐钢集团下属的三个企业都是我国建厂较早的大型骨干钢铁企业。唐钢始建于1943年,被誉为转炉的故乡唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司,也是国内最早将连铸工艺成功应用于大工业生产的企业之一。改革开放后,唐钢不断加快发展步伐,跻身全国十大钢行列。宣钢创建于1919年,计划经济时期是国家定点生铁供应基地,同时为冶金行业培养输送了大批矿山开采和生铁冶炼专业技术人才。市场经济条件下,宣钢在逆境中崛起并获得较快发展,成为国家重点钢铁企业之一。承钢是1954年国家建设的156个重点项目之一,一直致力于钒钛磁铁矿资源的开发利用和相关科研成果的产业化进程,是中国钒钛磁铁矿高炉冶炼技术的发祥地和北方最大的含钒钢生产基地。 Tangshan Iron and Steel Group, the large backbone steel companies which was founded earlier it has a subsidiary of the three companies. Tangshan Iron and Steel was founded in 1943, known as the hometown of converter, Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest enterprises successfully applied casting process to large industrial production. After the reform and opening up, Tangshan Iron and Steel continues to accelerate the pace of development, and ranks among the top ten steel companies. Xuanhua Steel was founded in 1919, in the planned economy period it was the designated national pig iron supply base, and train a large number of professional and technical personnel who were good at mining and iron smelting for the metallurgical industry. Under a market economy, Xuanhua Steel rose in the face of adversity and developed rapidly and become one of the national key steel enterprises. Chengde Steel is one of the 156 key national construction projects in 1954, it has been committed to the development and utilization of industrial processes and related research vanadium-titanium magnetite resources is China Vanadium Titano-Magnetite blast furnace smelting technology and the birthplace of the North largest vanadium steel production base. 唐钢集团的发展具有优越的客观条件。唐山靠近港口和冀东铁矿、煤炭基地,承德地区拥有储量丰富的钒钛磁铁矿资源。唐钢集团将紧紧抓住发展机遇,朝着国内领先,世界一流的目标迈进,十一五末,形成年产3000万吨配套生产能力,建设成为国内最大的钒钛制品基地、华北地区最大的优质板材基地和优质结构钢生产基地,在2010年进入世界500强。 所谓5S活动,是指对生产现场的各生产要素(主要是物的要素)所处的状态不断进行整理、整顿、清扫、清洁及提升人的素养的活动。由于整理 (SEIRI)、整顿 (SEITON)、清扫 (SEISO)、清洁 (SEIKETSU)、修养 (SHITSUKE)这五个单词在日语的罗马拼音中的第一字母都是S,所以简称为5S。 The development of Tangshan Iron and Steel Group ha


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