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Introduction-Basics Basic Configuration of Op amps Three terminals (2 inputs and 1 output) Bipolar power supply Reference ground is the “power supply ground” Basic Configuration of Op amps Characteristics of Opamps Output voltage is proportional to the difference between the two inputs. The open-loop gain A is very very large, and can be considered as infinite Characteristics of Opamps The two input terminals are “virtually open”. That is, the input impedance of the terminals are very very big (infinite). The output impedance is very very small and can be considered as zero. Characteristics of Opamps We would like opamps to amplify the amplitude of input signal by a factor of any arbitrary value; However, the open-loop gain is fixed and too large, therefore some external circuits should be used to make the system close-loop; There are two configurations in terms of using the external circuits: Non-inverting and Inverting. A virtual short circuit means that whatever voltage is at 2 will automatically appear at 1 because of the infinite gain A. But terminal 2 happens to be connected to ground; thus v1 = 0 and v2 = 0. We speak of terminal I as being a virtual ground—that is, having zero voltage but not physically connected to ground. * 第十二讲 理想运算放大器 1 理想运放的概念 理想运放的技术参数应满足下列条件 开环差模电压增益 Aod=∞ 差模输入电阻 Rid=∞ 输出电阻 Rod=0 共模抑制比 KCMR=∞ 输入偏置电流 IIB=0 开环带宽 KCMR=∞ (3) 理想运算放大器的等效模型 理想运算放大器的开环电压增益Aod=∞ u uo u ∞ 虚短 差模输入电阻 Rid=∞ ∞ iid i+ i- 虚断 Ⅰ:理想运放输出为有限值uo II:理想运放输出电阻 Rod=0 i- 运放电路简化分析的要点 输出端相当于理想电压源 虚断 虚短 u uo u R’ 运放构成的两种基本负反馈电路 1反相放大器 (D01fanxiang.ms7) uo Rf u u ii i+ if i- ui 平衡电阻R’=Rf // R1 何种反馈? 电压并联深度负反馈 ②电路性能分析: ① 电路结构: 由虚断: 由虚短: R1 “虚地” “虚地”是反相放大器的特点 反相比例运算放大器 完成比例运算 Rif 输入电阻 电压增益 R1 ui 2同相放大器 (D02tongxiang.ms7) ① 电路结构: uo Rf u u i1 i+ if i- R’ 平衡电阻R’=Rf // R1 何种反馈? 电压串联深度负反馈 ②电路性能分析: 由虚断: 由虚短: 电压增益 输入电阻 输出电阻 电压串联深度负反馈 R1 ui uo Rf u u R’ 电压跟随器 一、电压比较器基本概念 电压比较器是集成运放的另一类基本应用电路,作用是对两个输入电压进行比较,比较的结果及输出只有两种状态,既高电平和低电平 当uiuREF uo ui uREF uo= uoH


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