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第十二章 商检索赔不可抗力仲裁;一、商品检验;检验机构;检验机构;中国商品检验机构;国家出入境检验检疫局检验证书;二、索赔;案例分析;In case discrepancy on the quality of the goods is found by the Buyers after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,claim may be lodged within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,while for quantity discrepancy,claim may be lodged within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor agreed upon by both parties.The Sellers shall,within 30 days after receipt of the notification of the claim,send reply to the Buyers.For the losses due to natural cause or causes falling within the responsibilities of the Ship-owners or the Underwriters,the Sellers shall not consider any claim for compensation,In case the Letter of Credit does not reach the Sellers within the time stipulated in the Contract,or under FOB price terms Buyers do not send vessel to appointed ports or the Letter of Credit opened by the Buyers does not correspond to the Contract terms and the Buyers fail to amend thereafter its terms .The Sellers shall have right to cancel the contract or to delay the delivery of the goods and shall have also the right to lodge claims for compensation of losses.;三、不可抗力 Force Majeure/Act of God;案例分析;2、卖方A工厂向国外B公司出售一批服装,合同规定5月份交货。合同签定后,4.15A工厂发生火灾,生产设备及仓库全部烧毁。6.1买方未见来货,便向A工厂查问,并催促交货。这时A工厂才把失火情况通知买方,并以不可抗力为由要求解除合同。买方因急需用货,于是立即以比原合同价高出30%的价格从市场补进替代品。 问题:就此差价损失,买方可否向A工厂索赔?;3、我国某企业以CIF厦门从国外进口一批货物,合同规定9.15前装船。8.10卖方所在地发生地震,但卖方储存货物的仓库距离震心比较远,因此未受到严重损坏,仅因交通受严重破坏,所以货物不能按时出运。事后,卖方以不可抗力为由通知我方,要求解除合同,免除交货责任,但我方不同意。 问题:卖方解除合同的要求是否合理?;4、我国东方石油化工公司于某年1月与文莱石油公司签订一笔进口原油10000桶的交易,40USD/桶CIF珠海。合同签订后,国际市场油价不断上涨,到5月,原油的价格已上升至60USD/桶,按原来合同规定5月份交货。文莱石油公司亏本严重,于是以国际原油价格暴涨作为不可抗力事故的理由,要求撤销合同。 问题:文莱石油公司以不可抗力撤销合同是否合理?;四、仲裁 Arbitration;(三)注意事项;仲裁条款;案例分析


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