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* 袁字美, 傅松玲 , 黄成林 ( , 230036) : 以皖东皖南皖北的典型石灰岩山地天然次生林群落为研究 象, 在群落调查更新状况调查分析的基 础上, 探讨了安徽省石灰岩山地的适生树种结果表明青檀榉树朴树琅琊榆醉翁榆等榆科树种为皖东石灰岩 山地造林绿化的最适树种; 麻栎枫香黄连木马尾松湿地松侧柏刺柏青檀为皖南石灰岩山地造林宜选树种; 栓皮栎板栗麻栎青檀侧柏杜梨泡桐等树种为皖北石灰岩山地的造林树种该研究将为加速北亚热带石灰 岩山地绿化提供了可靠依据 : 石灰岩山地 ; 群落 ; 重要值 ; 树种选择 T ree Species Selection in the L im estoneM ounta inous A reas o f A nhui P rov inceM YUAN Z-im ei, FU Song- ling, HUANG Cheng-lin A bstract: B sed on the n lysis of site type, forest community nd regener tion of the n tur l second ry commun ity of the typic l lmi estone moun t inous re s in the e stern, southern nd northern of Anhu i Province, the d ptive tree species for the re s w ere selected in th is p per. The resu lts showed th t the trees of Ulm aceae f m ily such sP teroceltis tatarinow ii, Zelkova Schneid eriana, Celtis tetrandra, Ulmus chenm ou,i nd Ulm usgausseniiw ere the best species for the lmi estone re s of E stern Anhui Province. The tree species ofQuercus acutissmi a, Liquidam baf orm sana, P istacia chinesis, P inus m assoni- ana, P inus elliotti,i P latycladus orientalis, unpi erusf ormosana, and P teroceltis tatarinow ii w ere the d ptive species in the southern of Anhu i Province. And the tree species like Quercus variabilis, Castanea m ollissuna, Quercus acu tissima, P laty- cladus orientalis, P teroceltis ta tarinow i,i Py rus betulaef olia, ndp aulownia tomen tosa w ere the best species in the northern of Anhu i Province. K ey w ord s: Lmi estoneM out in re s; Comm un ity; Site type; Species selection A uthor. s address: Forestry nd L ndsc pe College, AgricultureUniversity of Anhui Province, 230036, H efei, Ch in 2 137 , -, 2, 1/7 018 , 10m


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