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第 27卷 第 6期 重 庆 建 筑 大学 学 报 Vol. 27 No. 6 2005年 12月 Journal of Chongqing JianzhuU niversity Dec. 2005 * 黄锡生, 林玉成 ( , 400045) : 建立环境公益行政诉讼制度是弥补传统环境管理不足的需要, 对 保障公民环境权遏 制行政行为侵害环境公益现象适应国际环境保护等有极其重要的意义环境公益行政诉讼 是指检察机关公民法人和其他组织依法对损害或可能损害环境与生态资源等公共利益的行 政行为提起的诉讼可在发挥检察机关参与环境公益行政诉讼中的主导作用科学设置诉讼 管辖合理确定举证义务增加判决种类和允许原被告双方和解等方面进行构建 : 环境公益; 行政诉讼; 环境权 : DF468 : A : 1006- 7329( 2005) 06- 0130- 05 N ew Study on the A dm in istrative L itigation of P ub lic Environm en ta lW elfare HUANG X i- sheng, IN Yu- cheng ( aw School, Chongq ing Un iversity, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China) Abs tract: The establishm ent of the adm inistrative litigation of public environmentalwelfare is a great necess-i ty. It benefits to make up the lmi itation of traditional chain of comm and, to ensure the environm ental right of citizen and to accommodate the need of international environment protection. The adm inistrative litigation of public environmentalwelfare is that the plaintiff including the peoples Procuratorate, citizen, corporation and other organizations can sue adm inistrative organwho harms orw ill harm the environm ent. Chinam ay establish its own adm inistrative litigation public environmental welfare through the follow ing creative construction sys- tem, such as exerting the function of the peoples Procuratorate, proper setting of law suit dom ination, increas- ing new kinds of judgment, etc. K eyword s: Public environmentalwelfare; adm inistrative litigation; environmental right 1 : 2001 10, , , , , 2004 3, , 50 kg, , 32004 5, , , 6 kg, [ 1] 2004 , ,


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