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专题研究? 秦巴山脉农林畜药绿色循环发展战略研究 DOI 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.05.004 秦巴山脉农林畜药绿色循环发展战略研究 刘旭 1,梅旭荣 2,杨正礼 3,杨世琦 3 (1. 中国工程院,北京 100088;2. 中国农业科学院科技局,北京 100081;3. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续 发展研究所,北京 100081) 摘要:秦巴山脉农业发展面临的主要问题是农业发展与生态环境矛盾突出,农业生产方式转变难度大,农业资源的差异化和 碎片化影响农业经营规模与布局,农产品特色品种多,但知名品牌少、深加工少、效益差,以及特色农产品销售渠道和平台 薄弱等。本文基于秦巴山脉农林畜药发展目标与思路,提出了山地生态环境红线管理与环境质量提升、科教引领、特色农产 品品牌打造、基于农牧良性循环的生态农业、林下特色经济、山地特色农产品加工与营销六大战略。 关键词:秦巴山脉;农林畜药;绿色循环发展;战略 中图分类号:F32 文献标识码:A Strategies of CFSM Green Circular Development Research in the Qinba Mountain Area Liu Xu1, Mei Xurong2, Yang Zhengli3, Yang Shiqi3 (1. Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing 100088, China; 2. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract: This paper analyzes the major problems for agriculture development in the Qinba Mountain Area, for example, the contradictions between agricultural development and ecology environment is severe, the transformation of traditional agricultural production is difficult, the differentiation and fragmentation of agricultural resources has an effect on large-scale agricultural management and distribution, and the agricultural products lack well-known brands, have less deep processing and a few of diverse marketing channels and sales platforms. In order to build the green circular development system for the crop farming, forestry, stock farming and medicinal materials (CFSM) industry in the Qinba Mountain Area, the authors propose six development strategies as follows: improvement of red- line management and environment quality for the mountain ecological environment


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