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Sentence Translation;1.I have had great deal of trouble ______.(跟得上班上的其他同学) keeping up with the rest of the class 2. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________(习惯了学生迟到) his lecture. to students’ being late for 3. What a lovely party! It’s worth ______ (牢记一生). remembering all my life 4. I do not want to _________(陷入) the quarrel between Tom and Mary. get involved in ;5. There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means____________(想找麻烦). to make trouble 6. Not until Alice had a baby of her own ___________(她才了解)how hard it was for her mother. did she become aware/realize 7. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will (受益于) the new training facilities. benefit from 8. Over a third of the population was estimated_________(无法获得) to the health service. to have no access ;1. On hearing the news, I ________(忍不住笑起来)and spread it among the class. could not help laughing 2. The population of America is not large??______ (与中国相比). as compared with that of China 3. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. ________________(发达国家尤为如此). This is especially true of developed countries 4. I avoided mentioning the sensitive subject lest ___________ (触犯他). he be offended/annoyed 2. 3. 4. ;5. The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are ________________ (为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇). providing new growth opportunities for Chinas foreign and domestic trade 6. Mary constantly ________________(挑剔) her husband, which annoys him. finds fault with 7. John cannot afford to go to the university, _________ (更不用说出国了). not to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad 8. She ______(对我们的警告充耳不闻) and got lost. turned a deaf ear to our warnings 6. 7. 8. ;1. I don’t mind your_________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late. delaying making 2. This popular sports car_________(正在生产出来)out at the rate of a thous


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