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2016届外研版必修1 Module 3 My first ride on a train单元测试 (限时:45分钟 语法填空2篇+阅读理解2篇+书面表达) Ⅰ.语法填空 A Many kinds of music can stir the 1.________(imagine) and produce strong feelings. For some people, romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance (提高) feelings of love and sympathy. Religious and spiritual 2.________can help some people feel peace or ease their pain. But one musician seems to have a unique ability of healing the human body — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Scientists have found Mozarts music to be remarkable in its ability 3.________(calm) its listeners.It can also increase their perceptions (感知力), and help them express themselves more clearly. Many amazing cases have been documented using Mozart as a healing aid.For example, a tiny premature (不成熟的) baby 4.________(name) Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support. Doctors thought she had little chance of survival. Her mother insisted 5.________playing Mozart for Krissy, and thought 6.________saved her daughters life. Krissy lived, 7.________she was very small for her age and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an 8.________in music and her parents gave her violin lessons. To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory that 9.________far beyond the ability of a four-year-old child. 10.________(play) music helped her improve in all areas of her life. B King:Now, Mr.Martin. Ive just read your own doctors report. So you havent been feeling very well 1.________ (late); is that right? Martin:Its ...its my leg, doctor. My right leg. I keep 2.________ (get) a strange pain in it. King:Could you tell me what the pain is like? Martin:Its like ... like boiling water running down my leg. Its been getting 3.________ (bad) lately,too. Ive been losing sleep. King:You mean the pain 4.________ (keep) you awake? Martin:Yes, thats right. Its been keeping me awake. King:Now, tell me, how 5.________ have you had this trouble? Martin:The p



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