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高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家 PAGE  投稿兼职请联系:2355394692 PAGE 9第 页 高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家 投稿兼职请联系:2355394692 Ⅰ.完形填空(建议用时17′) My life was running smoothly last year when the universe delivered wake-up calls one after another. First, I __1__ my job when the magazine I edited went bankrupt (倒闭的). A month later, my __2__ landed in the intensive care unit (重症监护室). It felt as though life were __3__ my layers. Not knowing what else to do, I drove down to my parents __4__. Their vulnerability (脆弱) terrified me. I __5__ my father at the hospital every day, trying to __6__ tears as I stood awkwardly by his bed. At home, I __7__, washed the dishes and answered the phone. One afternoon, I held my mothers hand as she wept. Suddenly, I felt __8__ to have the time to be with my parents, to __9__ them, which I wouldnt have been able to do __10__ I hadnt lost my job. I felt even more __11__ for this gift of time when my father returned home. Grateful for the __12__ things: watching TV with him, listening to his breathing while he slept. Grateful for my mothers love and care. Looking back, I__13__would have chosen the __14__ of my fathers illness and losing work I loved. But my parents vulnerability—and my own—__15__ me less these days. Gratitude opened the gates of love—right in the midst of __16__ and uncertainty. Since then, Ive started making a __17__ effort to practice gratitude in some small way every day. When I do, I feel much more connected with the flow of life, __18__ alone in my own struggles and fears. For me, gratitude can be a powerfully transformative __19__, just as some psychologists have found that practicing gratitude can actually __20__ our emotional and physical well-being. 生活中往往会有很多不如意的事情发生,但只要你心怀感恩,享受生活的每一天,你就会感受到神奇的自我改造的力量。 1.A.enjoyed B.lost C.hated D.accepted 答案:B 根据后半句可知,作者供职的杂志社倒闭,因此他失去(lost)了工作。 2.A.mother B.brother C.father D.sister 答案:C 根据第二段可知,作者的父亲(father)住进了重症监护室。 3.A.peeling B.displaying C.protecting D.hiding 答案:A ???据前两句作者的遭遇可知,作者感觉好像生


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