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写作 unit1

高中英语写作专题;DISCUSSION: What is a good writing? How to catch the experts eye? ;A good composition;DISCUSSION: What is a good writing? Content: everything needed included which is related to your view.(内容要完整) (内容要点一个也不能丢,如果人家给的是文字提示,可以用笔在试题处标出1,2,3,4,如果人家给的是图,那要先看懂图的意思,几个图都要看看再动笔,不要看了一个马上就写。);DISCUSSION: What is a good writing? Structure: * Good beginning and ending (好的开头结尾) * Well organized and smoothly developed (结构合理,行文流畅) ;DISCUSSION: What is a good writing? Language: * No Chinglish (避免中文式英文) * No Grammatical mistakes (没有语法错误) * With exactly used words and relatively changed sentence patterns (词语的准确运用和句式的富于变化);Avoid Chinglish! 1) Traffic in Shanghai is too crowded. 2) There has a highway connected with Beijing. 3) Though shes almost 40,but she still plans to compete. 4) I forgot my dictionary at home. ;7. I won’t believe what he says. (使用状语 从句) 8. The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (用定语从句) ; 书信类作文;建议信写作攻略:; 写作语料库;1. first/firstly, second/secondly…. then/ after that, meanwhile, what’s more, in addition, in the end/finally.;C. 结尾(客套,祝愿,期待) ;审题 体裁或文体 时态 人称;抓;练一练;Task;;英语学得不太好 ; ;4.然后每天进行英语听说练习;6.希望这些建议对你有用,我盼望着你取得进步 ;范文; homework by myself after class. Then, I think it would be more beneficial if you could practise listening and speaking every day. In addition, you may consider doing more reading after class to enrich your vocabulay. Only in this way, can you learn English well. Hopefully these suggestions will be of great help to you. I‘m looking forward to your improvement. Yours sincerely, Li Hua ;assess; 书面表达评价表 项目 自评 他评 1.书写工整吗?有没有乱涂乱划? 2.句子开头注意大小写了吗? 3.有没有注意标点符号? 4将文章分段了吗?分成了几段? 5有单词拼写错误吗?几个? 6.


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