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You are sure to succeed with four “P”: 1) perspiration 2) passion 3) preparation 4) perseverance ;议论文;评分标准:(一)内容和语言标准 ;评分标准: 给分档的标准;评分标准: (二)字数和段数要求;作文的性价比;小强版;老牛版; 作文存在的障碍和问题;The Study of English;The First Day I Came to College;Computer;Do you like travelling? Probably you will say “Yes, I like it very much!” That’s right.;... As I was a little tired from the journey to the college, I went to bed early. At mid night, I suddenly woke up. I found that there was no gate in the college.;(2) 作文与词语;1. 他一点儿也不觉得累。;5. 他觉得有责任帮助同学。 He deems it his duty to help his fellow classmates.;9. 很多次我觉得自己是胜利者。 And for many times I figure that I’m the winner. ;只有通过反复实践,不断体会词语的含意和用法,掌握有关英语词语运用的一些基本要求,才能减少失误,并逐步提高表达能力。;——金圣华《桥畔译谈》;词汇量与作文:;一个“挑”字,使酒店前挂的旗子活活有了生命。英语中也不乏简单词语用得很生动的例子。《大学英语》精读课本第二册有一篇题为“My First Job”的课文。主人公去一学校应聘,辗转半天终于找到了学校:;文中的struggle 和survive都是常用词,但用得非常生动,很值得学习。;没 能 can’t — fail to/unable to/not be in a position to/;努 力 work hard — hardworking/diligent/industrious /dedicated;;怎么变?;常常想不起想用的一个词的英语说法,该如何解决? ;文章中长句越多越好,复合句越多越好,这样的想法对吗? ;不知从何处着手复习写作,提起笔来不知道怎么写,怎么办? ;背历年范文有用吗?背范文要全文一字不落地背下来吗? ;最近作文的题型越来越活,能指点一下应该多注意哪些类型的文章呢? ;观点对比类;二、观点论证型;三、问题解决型;四、现象阐述型;引出话题板块;(二)科学举例法;;(三)句型法;(四)名言引用法 ;观点表达;另一种观点: ;我的观点 ;承上启下;原因表达 ;原因 1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation. ?? A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem). 2. The answer to this problem involves many factors. 3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 4. The factors that contribute to this situation include... 5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that... 6. We may??blame ...,but the real causes are... 7. Part of the explanations for it is that ... ?8. One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ... ?9. Another contributing factor (cause ) is ... ?10. ?Perhaps the primary factor is that … ?11. But the fundamental cause is that ... ; 后果 1. It may give rise to a host of problems. 2.


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