Unit 12 The New Immorality.ppt

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Unit 12 The New Immorality

Unit 12 The New Immorality;Lead-In Part;Pre-reading questions ;About the author;These are his famous works. ;Immorality In Our Society;衣;shoddy cotton黑心棉;食;toxic milk powder毒奶粉;lean meat powder瘦肉精;swill-cooked dirty oil地沟油;melamine [mel?mi?n]三氯氰胺 kidney stone [kidni] 肾结石 kidney failure 肾衰竭 counterfeited products 假冒伪劣产品 sample inspection 抽检 national inspection-free product 国家免检产品 quality supervision [,s?p?v???n]质量监督 baby formula 婴幼儿配方 ; 住;行;;Part 1; ;食堂浪费;A;亲密接触; Q:;;structure;Part1;;Q1: How do you understand the sentence of “yet most of these five, like most of college cheaters, would probably profess a strong social consciousness”? ;Q2 : What is presented in the first two paragraph? Two typical examples to show a paradox of our age are given that social morality seems to be making progress while private morality seems to be deteriorating ;Detailed study Reprehensible [,reprihens?bl] : deserving to be criticized or rebuked. adj. 应斥责的;应该谴责的 e g.1)It was reprehensible of him to steal from his mother. Beneficent [binefis?nt] : showing active kindness; generous, charitable. adj. 慈善的;善行的 e g. 1)Many rich businessmen have become beneficent patrons. ;Benevolent [binev?l?nt] : willing or wishing to be kind, friendly and helpful; charitable, doing good rather than making profits adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的 e g.1)I am deeply impressed by his benevolent manner. 2)The feminist established a benevolent institution when she retired. Ghost writer: a person who write sth. For sb. else and allows him to publish it under his own name枪手 ;what is the paradox referred to in the beginning of the essay? The paradox mentioned and illustrated in the text is “….our seemingly great growth in social morality has oddly enough taken place in a world where private morality---a sense of the supreme importance of purely personal honor, honesty, and integrity---seems to be declining. ;;;Para.4-6;;prevalent adj. 流行的 普遍的 blush v. 脸红 wicked adj. 邪恶的 不道德的 immo


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